Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dodger Game

Zack and I LOVE going to sporting events! There is always so much energy in the crowd, it's like a giant party. Another plus to going to a game is the food. It's the best crappy food you can find. Dodger dogs... mmmmm forget about it! 

Best part of the night? Friday night fireworks!!! After the game they let you go down onto the field and they put on a firework show for everyone. It was sooo fun! Zack couldn't believe they let everyone onto the field. He loved it!

We had the greatest night! We love our boys in blue. 


I've been missing these lovely ladies today. Maybe it's just me and living far from what's familiar, but every time a new school semester starts I meet all sorts of new people and it always makes me grateful for the solid people in my life.