Thursday, May 23, 2013

life is sweet

Living within walking distance of the beach has been amazing. We love it! It's worth dealing with the humidity and having crazy hair all the time. Plus, having a pool/hot tub to come back to after a dip in the ocean makes things even better! It's perfect. Thanks for working hard and providing a nice life for us baby :) You're the best. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

photo diary

pics from some recent randomness

pancakes on the beach

bougainvillea is the prettiest

beach days 

is it weird that i find snails adorable?

so my dad and susan have been going on a lot of these long rides with thousands of other bikers lately. so legit! harley peeps for life. 

shopping for summa summa

babysitting this sweet girl

happy birthday laur- so many good memories with you! 

see the resemblance?? 


this cute dog just sat there patiently until their owner was done shopping.

fun with this little one 

warm weather is the best for long walks 

seriously, she is so cute 

part of my morning/bedtime routine.. i kinda love this stuff

we met this bird at the grocery store 

i love these

lucky and his girlfriend 

beachside to poolside 

future school. go dolphins. 

i love my sibs 

laker nails baby 

 one of zack's random dinner request

haha zack found this 

glenna and i just being cool

YAYYY, finals are over!!

it's pretty beautiful here 

i just finished reading this for book club and it was an amazing murder mystery chick book. i highly recommend it!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

tee time

We love going to hit balls at the driving range. I basically just laugh the entire time because I either have an embarrassing swing where I miss the ball or and an impressive hit that makes me feel like a professional. It's so fun, I love it! Hopefully one day I'll learn how to have a consistently good swing like Zack.

^^ ha such a funny accident picture

And for fun, here's little vine