Thursday, August 30, 2012

oh hi.

It's been awhile! After weeks of moving and being without an internet connection I'm going "cray cray" HA seriously tho. Thankfully I have my handy dandy iphone with its 4g and all but I miss my laptop dearly. Not to mention classes have begun and I need it more than eveeeer. I hate you cox cable, I hate you. 

Wanna know what has been great tho? Our new house! It's perfect for us and it's really starting to feel like home :) I feel so blessed to have stumbled upon the ad when I did because we had seriously been drooling over this complex for the past year. I really feel like this is where we're supposed to be right now.

School started and I'm loving it! I'm going to the beautiful SBCC where I feel super out of place, like I'm the only LDS girl (other than Glenna) in this sea of party people. Obviously that's not true, just how i feel and that's fine! Hopefully I can make some new friends this semester. I'm also doing UVU online which will keep me plenty busy. 

Recently I started scrapbooking and I'm addicted. Also I love cooking again since we have the cutest little kitchen in our new house. Zack always laughs at me when I put on my frilly apron and get so excited to cook for him. 

We just got back from a week in Utah, which I needed dearly. Sometimes I feel so alone being this far away from my family, even though zack and I are always together, sometimes you just need a big hug from your parents and late night talks with your sisters. Now I feel so happy and recharged :)

Well, I still can't run thanks to the stress fracture in my shinny shin shin. I want to run SO stinking bad I just hope it'll heal soon at least. No rush though since all the races in SB are on Sundays, so I just need some patience I guess. 

BTW our RS had this night dedicated to, "a healthier, happier you" and my mind was blown. Apparently my entire beauty routine has been wrong and the foods I eat are making my body toxic. I'm toxic! Holy Mac. I learned so much. 

Zack and I are going to Vegas for a few days next week with his work (not fun for me but at least we'll still be together). Then a couple weeks after that we'll be back in Utah (fingers crossed) for Laur's baby shower and Jessica's birthday :) yayayaaa! ALSO my parents just booked their flights to come out here in October and I am SO pumped. We even got tickets to Jay Leno, can't wait.

One last thing. There have been SIX shark sightings in SB this summer. SIX. The most recent was a 15ft great white seen 2 days ago!! Ohh and apparently I was surfing near one not that long ago because my "friends" thought it would be a good idea to not tell me.  

So I'm laying in bed, blogging on my phone because I can't sleep and am super bored and I figured purging all my thoughts would help. Yup! I'm tired now aaaand I just heard the creepiest animal sound, unless that was Zack's stomach.. It's for sure bed time. Xo 

Friday, August 10, 2012


holy smokes! a lot has been going on around here... zack and i recently celebrated our one year wedding anniversary, fiesta, we are in the middle of moving into our new home, obsessed with the olympics, the lakers just got dwight howard (zack couldn't be happier about this) aaaand i just took the final for my summer class! ahhhhh :) happy day. here's a little photo diary of some recentness.. except for our anniversary and fiesta pics because well, they deserve their own posts.

running everyday
playing with zack's hair before he cut it lol
we have the prettiest wild flowers here
i swear these little cuties are everywhere
we love having dinner on the the wharf
sneaking pics of my hot babe
we probably go to the pool everyday
hello gorgeous sky
east beach
ahhh amazingness! 
this is what happens when our house gets too hot.. 
thank goodness we are moving to a cooler place
typical texting haha
i came here expecting now to like anything.. HA
we love yogurtland now
zack and i were actually thinking about living on a boat hahah. i'm glad that didn't go through. maybe one day...
watching the boat race
warp9- zacks pride and joy
this is from a service project we did a month or so ago, but i just think zack and his dad are so cute

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Zack and I have been watching the same channel all week. We loveee the Olympics. Gymnastics and swimming are my favorite, I can't get enough. It's so inspiring watching the worlds most amazing athletes. I wish it lasted longer, but I'll take the 17 days they give us :) Ohh and how amazing is America??  
So proud. We are the greatest.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

scraaaaper bikee

I went on this really fun bike ride with Matt & Glenna.  We rode at least 6 miles around town, just exploring all of these cool little places. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe I just need a better seat but the bones in my bum were soo hurting after our trek haha. After our bike ride they showed me this awesome climbing tree by the train station, which of course, we climbed. Later that week we went up Mission Canyon for some hiking. It was such a gorgeous trail with ocean views, even though most trails here have ocean views but still, I loveed it.
glenna's photo
 glenna's photo
 glenna's photo
holy amazingness 

matt's photo
the tree was SO slipperly! holy mac
what's a beautiful tree without some bum stashes? there were so many hidden in the roots of this tree.. nasty
 glenna's photo

 sounds promising right? thankfully no snakes :)
aww such a pretty hike
haha like our matching hawaii hats?
what a romantic little bridge 
 seriously?? can this just be my house? 