Friday, June 29, 2012

bite fishy bite

I seriously love spending time with my family, being on the lake and reeling in them fishys! I grew up fishing with my dad & now I love it. I can never remember which fishing lures are the best or how to tie those fancy fishing knots but I can rig a fishing line with anchovies soo that's gotta count for something right?? Anyways it's always a good time. When I was little my dad taught me this fishing song, and I sing it every trip, despite my terrible voice, because it totally works.. this is how it goes:

"Bite fishy bite,
your mama said you might.
Your daddy said you've got to,
so bite fishy bite."

Yup. Try it out.

Here are some pictures from our Deer Creek fishing outing back in May. I third wheeled it with my dad and Susan & we had a whole lotta fun. My dad LOVES fishing so so much and he is verrry good at it. We could only catch 4 fish since he was the only one with a fishing license. As soon as we hit the limit we had to reel the poles in quick, we were catching them that fast. 
Susan's idea of a fishing trip :)
Fishing champ. He needs his own outdoors show on TV.
I just love my dad

Friday, June 22, 2012


So what's new?? This week we are back in CA & Jess is in town with us for about two weeks. We've been doing a lot of hiking, reading and eating lots of good food. I have like 10 books I want to read right now but I'm trying to read one at a time.. and I'm getting impatient. I want to read all of them right now. I'm going to plant a herb garden soon and a terrarium. Recently I was running farther than my body could handle & now I think I have stress fractures in my shins. It sucks. They literally hurt all the time. I'm not going to run until August :( I'm hoping to run a half marathon in September though and a full marathon before January. I just need my shins to get better first. Nikole and Stephen are coming to spend the week with us on Sunday :) It'll be so fun to have everyone in town. I'm so excited! Half Christmas is Monday, and we're celebrating. I'm going to make snow, sand angels and hot vanillas. Christmas sweaters will be involved. Zack and I's one year anniversary is in JULY!! I can't believe how fast it's coming :)It's been one heck of a year, I'll tell you that. I can't wait to see what our second year of marriage has in store for us. I love Zack SO much! I don't think anyone else could have been more perfect for me. I'm so lucky to be his wife. On a very sad yet thankful note, the other love of my life, my nephew Colton almost died this week. Our family has been able to witness the power of prayer, and lot's of it. He had a really bad accident earlier this week and the fact that he's still alive is truly a miracle. I'm so happy that Heavenly Father is giving us more time with that sweet angel. I can't imagine what I would do without him. Well, thats enough rambling for tonight. Have a great weekend! xo

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

oh, hiking

I seriously love hiking. I feel like I say that all the time in my blog so I'm sorry, but I do. Being in the mountains is so refreshing. It clears my head and I feel like I can just breath better. Plus working out always makes me feel amazing. Nikole, Stephen, Jessica and I went hiking up by horse tail falls. We hiked along the river for awhile. It was gorgeous! I'm pretty sure we were in a bear area... but Nikole knows how scared I get so whenever Stephen would bring it up like, "hey nikole, isn't this were we saw bear tracks last time?" she would just sshhhh him. Thank you ma'am, I'll take denial. We survived! Haha yayy.

miss kate elaine

One of my best friends, Kate got married last Friday and I am absolutely thrilled for her! Lauren & I threw her a really cute bridal shower back in May. (Lauren is so talented and creative aaaand she basically did everything for the shower because she is amazing like that.) Anyways it was SO fun hanging out with everyone and it turned out really to be really good. Lauren should be a party planner and have her own show on the food channel. Check out her amazing dessert creations. Couldn't be any cuter!