Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween!! 
stay safe, dress up and eat lots of candy

Photo diary from a couple days of the trip :)
( I feel like I'm always trying to catch up, sorry!)
play date with my mama
 I tried to get my brother wet when we were standing next to a fountain at my mom's work.. and my plan backfired. Literally.
 Nikole and her baby Bowzer
Jessica is probably my favorite person ever
my dad would have a shirt like this haha
we found a giraffe while we were costume shopping
sweetest kitty 
On the way home.. driving when the sun is at the blinding point really blows
 Utah is so pretty
 we always stop here for gas and it's always a madhouse 
this whole inspection thing is so stupid
this is the best part of the drive

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


It's silly how many events, celebrations and get togethers revolve around food. For some reason eating a good meal with good company is just the best. 

(HA just so you know, zack and i don't always eat like this! We usually eat super good, but who wants to read about me and my apples/veggie addiction? Or the salad rut I'm in? Yeah, not as fun..)

 Lunch at firehouse with some of my bestest friends. I love when the three of us get together. 

This is why I hate bubblegum..
plus the flavor is gone in like 9 seconds

Ice cream for dinner? Why not.
 too much crem della crem for this babe
 I love when my sisters take pictures on my phone
 ha we are lookin hot tonight..

Dinner at my parents is always so good

I tried cajun food for the first time ever last month. My dad took me to his favorite little place in Payson and it was surprisingly delicious. Who new?? Not I.  
 My dish wasn't adventurous at all, but it was my first try. Plus I tried my dads dish that has crawdad and what not in it, and I loved it. Weird, I know but hooray. I'm trying to advance my food liking to more than little kid foods.
 nom nom

 This is THE Frandsen breakfast: toast and gravy
This is what we eat on Christmas morning, General Conference and any other special events that calls for a chunk meal.
 closer look at the glory

Monday, October 29, 2012

farewell timp

My last hike up to the cave was a beaut! I'm so glad I got to enjoy it with these lovely ladies. The leaves were seriously uhhhmazing.. and since SB is majorly lacking in the seasons department I can never get enough during our trips home. By the way Lauren was (and still currently is) fully pregnant and she made it up the mountain no prob. Impressive much. Welp, it's been fun Timp... until next year.
Laur's photo

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

tee hee

Why is it so hard for all of us to take a normal picture? Bahahah. These are some extra special pictures from Jessica's birthday dinner. HA. 
I love my family :))