Thursday, September 5, 2013

2 year anniversary

July 22, 2011 was one of the greatest days of my life! Our wedding was everything I could have hoped it would be. The past two years have been so amazing, regardless of any hardships we faced. Being married is the best! I love it. It's the best decision I ever made. Zack completes me in every possible way and makes me happier than ever, every single day. He is the greatest husband I ever could have dreamed of. I am so lucky!

 For our 2 year we decided to stay in town and celebrate all weekend long. It was so fun and relaxing!!!!! Here's a little day by day play by of everything we did :)

Friday night:
 Zack and I were exhausted from work/school so we put on some comfy sweats and went to one of our favorite places to eat just outside of town. We loveee this place!  

We woke up early and went down to the harbor. We rented a waverunner and took it out into the ocean. It was AMAZING!!!!! We went soo far out into the ocean. We saw tons and tons of seals, huge boats, and we hit some big waves. It was a dream! Zack let me drive the entire time because he knew I'd be in heaven. I LOVE being on the water. We seriously had the greatest time out there!
 After our waverunner adventure Zack took me out to breakfast at one of my favorite places. Pancakes are a must during a celebratory weekend. 
After some post-breakfast naps we went to the beach. It was so relaxing. We warmed up in the sun then jumped into the ocean.
 For dinner we dressed up and went to one of our favorite restaurants in Montecito, Luckys. MMM! Best steak and sweet potatoes, beautiful setting and great service. The best!
 After dinner we went to the theater and saw Pacific Rim. It was epic! Sadly, we left a little early because we saw an 11:00pm movie and we were soo tired by the end of it. Whoops. We'll finish it one of these days.

We skipped church (oops) and went hiking. We found a new trail and followed it this amazing lookout. It was a really fun hike!
After hiking we went to breakfast at Tre Lune, this cute place we'd been wanting to go to for awhile. It was cool, but my waffle was as crunchy as a cracker and the service wasn't too lovely. 
We probably won't be going back anytime soon.. but I'm still glad we went! 
 We spent a lot of the day relaxing. It was so nice. For dinner we went down to the harbor and ate at Brophy Bros. There is almost always a 2 hour wait to get in but somehow we got in after 10 minutes of waiting. Booyah! They have the BEST fish supposedly, and since Zack and I aren't huge seafood fans we decided this would be a good place to start getting into fish. Zack got mahi and I got a sea bass. SO yummy! I guess we like fish now? 
While we were eating at Brophy Bros we saw Paul Walker! Like he was standing right next to me and I just stared at him in shock for a minute before he walked into the bar and took a seat. Zack didn't want me to be annoying and ask for a picture (even though I was dying to ask) so instead I took this creepy picture of him through the glass hahhah.

July 22, our actual anniversary! Zack had a long day at work and I had class all day. We had originally planned to eat at this really nice restaurant on the beach but at the last minute we decided to put on some comfy clothes, get takeout and watch netflix.

Cheers to year 3!! I love you babe!

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