Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lake Powell part 2

 we had some engine problems on the first day but my dad is a boat genius and had us back on the lake in less than 30 minutes
 looking for a camping spot
 found the perfect camping spot
 these caves were right across from out camping spot, so cool
 wakeboarding is the best ever
 while i was wakeboarding i did a 180 and landed weird which made me catch my edge and slammed me into the water. i'm pretty sure got a mild concussion from it. i was so dizzy when i came out from under the water that i couldn't even see straight. the board had been ripped off my feet and since my vision was all messed up i couldn't see the board. i felt so out of it that i didn't care if i found the board or not. my head hurt so bad, like i had just crashed on pavement or something. i had a headache for the rest of the trip. not cool.
 zack is now fully healed after surgery from a couple years ago. it took so long for him to feel at 100% again and now he's back!
 my dad got complete knee replacement surgery a week after this trip. crazy huh? he doesn't even look like he has a messed up knee! toughest guy i know. 
 our neighbors put on a huge firework show every night
 pancakes, bacon, and eggs every morning. thank you susan!
 we couldn't have found a better camp spot
 dad & susan's tent
 chris & jamie's tent
 fishing with my dad, there's nothing better
 we always go tubing until our elbows are bleeding. even then, we just wrap it up and keep going. we loveeee it. jessica especially! she always leaves with the craziest battle wounds. 
 down time
 celebrating my dad's half birthday!
 exploring around camp
cliff jumping
my jumping pictures where taken on the gopro, which is in lake powell part 1
 i tried to wakeboard for a few miles while we made our way back to camp because the sun had gone down and we needed to get off the lake. i almost made it back, but my back leg got a major charlie horse. i tried to 180 spin to ride on my goofy side but i was so weak that i didn't spin hard enough and that was the end of it haha. 
most beautiful place i know
 s m o r e s
 firework show every night
 later that night i woke up to the craziest lighting storm. i was so scared! zack and i slept in the boat on the lake every night, so when there is a raging lighting storm above your head it starts to freak you out. i said a lot of prayers that night. in the morning we woke up and the storm was even crazier, but since the sun had come up it didn't seem as scary. waterfalls starting coming off the cliffs around us from all the pouring rain. it was so beautiful!
 our neighbors, the ones with the fireworks, were total drunken idiots all the time. we could hear them partying all night, which was annoying enough.. but then some drunk dude swims through our camp and up into the caves by us and starts a fire. it was actually pretty cool to see. the guy, being an idiot though, slipped and fell out of the caves and into the water. it was hilarious. 
 some of the other neighbors also put on a firework show every night. felt like the 4th of july.
 we found this little island
 zack is so entertaining when he wakeboards!
we found a giant lake cave
 i jumped in and swam around the cave, it was really cool.
 keeping cool in the killer sun
driving the boat while my dad wakeboards
 you can never stop laughing when we're on the tube
we left our bunny lucky with my grandparents while we were in lake powell. this is where he lived for a few days. i just thought this was so cute for some reason. 

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