Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I love when I'm reading my scriptures and I find answers to troubles that I didn't even know that I was looking for. Does that make sense? 

Basically the last two years of my life have been some of the hardest I've ever had to deal with. A lot of my struggles and hardships have been caused by a few certain people.

I don't even know how to expand on what's been happening without talking behind these people's back. It's too much mind vomit that's better left unsaid.

Anyways, I read this scripture the other night and it was just what I needed. Every word applies, as if this was written for me.

3rd Nephi 12:44
But behold I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you and prosecute you;

This is my new challenge! I say that because it is going to be SO challenging. How can you love and bless someone unconditionally when they have done so much wrong to you? I'm not a fake person, I can't do it. I can't suck up. I can't pretend with people. All I can do is me and how I feel always shows on my face. What I'm trying to say is that as I strive to do this I'm going to have to mean it and truly believe it, and that's going to be hard.


  1. Amen! Beautifully said. I LOVE 3rd Nephi!

    1. I love it too! I have basically all of 3rd Nephi highlighted.
