Monday, April 30, 2012

lake show

About a month or so ago we went 
to see the Lakers play
& it was... THE greatest night!!
They were playing against the Kings- 
so we got to witness a little
NBA Jimmer action against Kobe.

(side note)
Living in SB where there aren't 
a lot of members makes you seriously
appreciate BYU. (in my case at least) 
It's crazy but I miss seeing the mass of
modest, cute, zoobie-esk groups of students
in Provo. Not to say that Provo doesn't have
a crazy party scene going on, it's just
much more toned down than SB. 
Everyone here parties, it's what ya do.
I took Utah for granted while I grew up
there. Basically everyone I knew was LDS
(& those who weren't, I loved just as much)
I'm just saying that there were a million 
people you could be friends with and 
almost everyone had something in common.
It's suchhh a different world here.
Being newly married, and members in SB is
weird and hard simply because other 
than the friends in our ward we've made,
well there is no one else haha.
Everyone I've met outside of my ward
tells me about their weekends wine tasting,
or which bar/club was the best.. nights
they can't necessarily remember bla bla bla
& then they ask me what I like to do..
hahah when I tell them that Zack & I enjoy
running, going to the beach, surfing 
they ask well where do you guys go out to
at night?? I tell them.. to dinner ha.
We don't have much in common.
I would love to hangout with non-members
but I am so boring compared to them! Hahaha 
our nights of X-files & eating cheeseburgers 
aren't so thrilling in comparison..
BUT we have so much fun together doing 
the things that we love so who cares :)
Huge tangent! Anyways am I making sense?
I'm just trying to say I love Utah, 
& I'm proud of BYU :) woohooo.

& whether Zack & I make tons 
of friends in SB or not, it 
really doesn't matter because we
have each other. We are 
best friends. He is all that I 
need and I feel so blessed to be
married to a man that I can't stand 
to be away from. We are perfect 
compliments of each other. 
He is my everything.

so despite the fact that Zack & I are huge Laker fans
I was still cheering for Jimmer- The Laker crowd was
also cheering for him.... in a sarcastic way ha.

The game was SO fun! We had the absolute worst
seats in all of Staples Center. We yelled and
screamed cheering for the Lakers. We ate
CPK pizza and cotton candy. We were 
sitting in front of some hilarious guys who
had something funny to yell at the perfect
moments. I loved it. We had so much fun!
Ohh and the Lakers won! duh.

we loveee LA.

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