Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nikole & Stephen's wedding!!

It was a perfect, beautiful day. 
Complete sunshine.
Ohhhh and Nikole looked like a
freakin super model.
Stephen is a lucky guy.

I seriously couldn't be happier
for my best friend.
I've never seen anyone EVER
make her as happy as Stephen does.
They are perfect compliments for
each other. They deserve one another.
Being in the Temple with Nikole,
watching her and Stephen be
sealed for time & eternity
was absolutely amazing.

Nikole and I have been 
best friends
since like age 3. 
We have been through SO much
together and we've dated a lot of
frogs so seeing her end
up with an absolute prince charming
makes me happier than ever.

Nikole is the most selfless,
caring person I know. She is always
serving other people and never asks
anything in return.
She deserves the complete best!
Stephen is the best.
I just love you guys :)

ps. the wedding reception was
so fun, like rock concert fun!

 Elisabeth Kate Photography
 Elisabeth Kate Photography 

 The decorations were incredible.

 Elisabeth Kate Photography
Elisabeth Kate Photography
 Elisabeth Kate Photography
 Elisabeth Kate Photography
Elisabeth Kate Photography
 Elisabeth Kate Photography
 Elisabeth Kate Photography
Elisabeth Kate Photography
 Elisabeth Kate Photography
Elisabeth Kate Photography

Not my photo, it's from someone else in the wedding party.
Not my photo, it's from someone else in the wedding party.

love Chelsey hahah
 I spy.... my husband 
 Hahaha we took a Walmart intermission to 
buy supplies to decorate the couples car,
which we never actually found... because it was 
in Alpine :( Zack was VERY tired at this point haha.

 Elisabeth Kate Photography
 Elisabeth Kate Photography
 Elisabeth Kate Photography
Elisabeth Kate Photography

Not my photo, it's someones from the wedding party.

Not my photo, it's from someone else in the wedding party.

Not my photo, it's from someone else in the wedding party.

Not my photo, it's from someone else in the wedding party.


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